CRA Recovery Meetings

An individual’s journey of recovery is not a standard path.

We want to help embrace everyone’s recovery journey by providing Multiple Pathway Meetings

Join us in the CRA Community Center for weekly meetings.

Calendar of Events

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SMART Recovery

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SMART Recovery

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SMART Recovery

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SMART Recovery

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SMART Recovery

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Topics of discussion: PTSD, Grounding, When Substances control you, Self-care, Compassion, Honesty, Red and Green Flags, Recovery thinking , Commitment, Boundaries, Healing from Anger.


This group addresses both our Substance misuse and PTSD in a present focused model, which means the focus is on headlines of our lives. We do not go into the past in detail. The four content areas we focus on is cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and community resources. Learning new ways to detach from emotional pain. Focusing on how to manage triggers and strong feelings.


For questions please contact Stephanie Hector –

Self Managment and Recovery Training (SMART)

SMART Recovery is an evidenced-informed recovery method grounded in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), that supports people with substance dependencies or problem behaviors to:

1.Build and maintain motivation
2.Cope with urges and cravings
3.Manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors
4.Live a balanced life
SMART meetings encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own choices and behaviors and do not ask anyone to admit powerlessness nor rely on a higher power. Crosstalk and open conversation are encouraged, as we learn and grow from the support of our recovery community. 
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.
We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. 
In our Recovery Dharma meetings, we practice meditation and explore the Four Noble Truths (There is suffering, There is a cause of suffering, There is an end to suffering, and There is a path that leads to the end of suffering.) and Eightfold Path (Wise Understanding, Wise Intention, Wise Speech, Wise Action, Wise Livelihood, Wise Effort, Wise Mindfulness, and Wise Concentration.) in a group discussion format. 


LifeRing Secular Recovery is an organization of people who share practical experiences and sobriety support. LifeRing is an anonymous organization dedicated to providing a safe meeting space where you can experience a non-judgmental recovery conversation with your peers. We do this through the lens of LifeRing’s 3-S philosophy of Sobriety, Secularity, and Self-Help.


LifeRing tries to support your efforts to strengthen the Sober Self and weaken the Addict Self. Our meetings, consist of addicts using their Sober Self to connect with the Sober Self of other addicts.

A Woman’s Way Through the 12-Steps

Recovery can seem like a man’s world. Even the language of the Twelve Steps often doesn’t align with your unique experiences as a woman or a non-binary person. As a result, the psychological development of women facing addiction and recovery is frequently overlooked along with the social and cultural factors.

These omissions from the Twelve Steps have left many women and non-binary persons struggling to remain in a recovery program that doesn’t meet their specific needs, align with their values or understand their experiences.

The Woman’s Way Through the 12-Steps helps you take ownership over your recovery with courage and strength.


Yoga For Recovery recognizes that yoga and its practices are a part of a holistic recovery program and rather than a replacement, it provides adjunct tools to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction.


Modeled from the meetings of 12-step programs, the Y12SR  is a group-sharing circle followed by a intentional, themed gentle & restorative yoga class.


This is an All-Recovery Hour dedicated to the LGBTQIA2s+ Community and its allies, family and friends (and friendly to those who have anxiety in social settings).

This is also a meeting to help support good mental health in your recovery journey. 

In this meeting, we will do a check in, coffee/tea, and optional fidget toys and coloring.

Keep up to date on any scheduling changes to meetings through our social media: